Little Nightmare Download Key

  четверг 02 апреля

Released May 18, 2018. Fear can take many forms and can live in many worlds. Wearing this Japanese Tengu mask won't keep Six safe from harm, but it will certainly make her fit in! This game is.

My kids love it also and want it every night! Pgp.becca.s.01-14.rar.

  • Publisher: Bandai Namco
  • Version: 1.1.4
  • Category: Logic
  • Size: 550MB
  • Update: February 29, 2020 at 12:28 am
  • Available at: Google Play

Many people still think that puzzle games are usually simple and easy to play. Moreover, it is not considered chosen for building a profound plot. Simply quizzes to challenge the player’s mind and can explain quickly for a short period. But for fastidious players today, they think that a puzzle game must also have content because that will stimulate their creativity and curiosity. Very Little Nightmares is a brand new product from publisher BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe. With entirely new gameplay, there is a development direction like horror games. Surely you will feel enjoyable with the puzzles it offers.

Escape room & puzzle adventure

Very Little Nightmares is defined as an adventure game with a darkly built storyline. The character in the game to be a child, without any weapons in hand but stuck in a world full of dark and terrifying scenes. It must use up all its intelligence and reasoning to escape the dangers lurking. Players will be pushed into severe cases and locked into mysterious rooms. Try your best to solve the door-locked puzzles. If you can solve it, you can escape. If you can’t solve it, you will die in the room. This game has not been officially released on any platform but only in the pre-order phase. You can buy it for $ 6.99 on the App Store. Expected to be May 30, 2019, the game will be officially released. In a few weeks, you will enjoy it.

The Girl in the Yellow Raincoat will be the main character in the game, but she will fall into a hostile house. You will have to guide her through each room of this mansion, avoiding all dangerous things. The ultimate goal is to escape from the room, not to fight monsters. This will make a pre-set story based on the famous brand Little Nightmares. If you are a fan of it, you will recognize many familiar points. But don’t think it’s okay because there will be many challenges that are extremely difficult to guess. If you are not prepared, you will be frightened.


In the game, the player will have to discover a lot of things from a lot of hidden destinations behind the mansion. The maze you have to overcome is called The Nest, and it has been arranged with lots of deadly pitfalls. Challenges will continuously appear and block the way forward. If it is not resolved, it will be stuck there, and the game will offer some limitations to push. For example, mysterious monsters from the darkness. They will suddenly pounce and create the most shocking scenes you can not imagine.

It was designed to be very successful with the style of anime movies. Players will feel the gloomy and frustrating atmosphere in each scene. Because the colors in the game use black and brown as the main theme. The scene will be designed in full 3D format, but the light will be minimized, focusing only on where the character goes through. This helps the game emanate mystery, as well as threats.


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  • Very Little Nightmares [APKS FILE]

There are multiple chefs that you’ll encounter as you make your way through The Kitchen area in Little Nightmares. In The Kitchen you will need to use some of the evasion skills you learned in previous areas to draw the attention of the chefs away from where you want to go so you can make it to the next room alive. More puzzles await in The Kitchen as well as you near the halfway point in Little Nightmares.

The Kitchen

  • Nomes: 3
  • Statues: 3

Head to the right and climb up the ladder. There are hooks moving along the ceiling. You can run to the left, jump into the doorway and grab a hook as it goes by, or run to the right, climb on top of the body bag and grab a hook that way. However you decide to do it, grab a hook and use it to travel to the far right.

When you reach the next room, continue moving to the right as you fight off the hunger. When you reach the rat stuck in the trap, grab it to quell your hunger for now. Climb on top of the laundry bins to the right and continue into the next room. Climb onto the laundry in the middle of the room in the background and push the metal top leaning up against the bin. This creates a ramp to the next bin on the right.

Move down to the floor on the right, but before you continue onward, look in the hidden space behind the ramp that leads to the floor, and between the laundry bins. You’ll drop down into a secret passage that leads into a room to the right. In this room you’ll find a statue on the table that you can break.

Climb up the ladder on the wall to the right to get back to the previous room with all the laundry bins. Continue through the door to the right and push the laundry cart to the right side of the next room so you can climb on top of it and reach the opening that leads into the next room to the right.

As you continue to move to the right you’ll come to a room where the chef is working. Just before that room there’s a small opening in the right wall, next to the doorway. Crawl through the small opening instead of taking the door, so the chef doesn’t see you.

As the chef moves around the room and you can move from cover to cover until the chef heads into the room to the right. At this point you can close the oven doors and knock things over to get the chef’s attention in certain areas of the room. This allows you to move to the far right side of the room and climb up the shelving in the background. There’s a door to the right, but you need a key to unlock it.

Light the lantern at the top of the shelving, then jump to the wooden beam on the left. At this point the chef can’t catch you, so even if he spots you, you’re safe. Use the series of wooden beams to move toward the foreground, then to the far left. Climb up the middle of the cages to reach the hole in the wall near the ceiling and move into the bathroom. Climb up the toilets and jump to the shelf on the left so you can light the candle.

Continue to the left and into the bedroom. Climb up onto the shelf on the far left, then jump to grab the key you need to unlock the door in the kitchen. Move left and right to slide the key off the hook, then hide under the bed or climb up the furniture in the background if you wake up the sleeping chef here.

Take the key and go back to the right toward the bathroom. Pass the lift in the background and continue on to the bathroom again. In the corner to the left of the double toilets you'll find a Nome hiding. Now head back to the lift in the background to the left of the bathroom. Jump up and flip the switch to activate the lift. Pick up the key and move into the lift to head down to the lower level. When you reach the floor below (the same place you were just a moment ago), head left to find a Nome hidden in the brown jar on the floor. Pick up and throw the jar to break it and release the Nome, then give it a hug.

Now that you’re back in the kitchen, follow the same path you did before, only this time do it while holding the key. Unlock the door on the far right, then more to the right side of the next room, climb up on the table in the corner and use it to reach the hole above that you can crawl through.

In the next room, there’s a table in the middle with a food machine that makes sausages, as well as a food lift in the background and the hatch you need to climb through high on the wall to the far right. If you look under the table you'll find a Nome hiding there. Hug the Nome, then climb onto the table and jump to the handle hanging from the ceiling to drop some food into the machine. Turn the wheel on the machine to create one link hanging to the right.

Climb into the food lift in the background to move up to the freezer. Move the food on the table to the metal hatch on the ground to the right, then head through the small opening to the right and into the next small room. There’s a lantern you can light and a statue you can break on the right side of the room in the foreground.

Head back to the lift and go down to the previous room, then pull the handle and rotate the wheel on the machine to drop the second piece of meat. Now head back up to the freezer, but this time climb the shelves on the left side of the room. Jump over to the hanging hook, then swing to the left and right to build up momentum so you can jump over to the meat on the adjacent hook.

Grab the meat and it will fall down to the floor, then move it over to the metal hatch. Head back down the lift and repeat the process to make another link. Now that you have three links you can jump over to the lowest one and swing to the hole on the far right wall to enter the tunnels that lead into the next room.

As you move to the right you’ll see two boxes stacked near the right side of the room. Make note of the fact that you can hide in the lower box. In the room to the right there’s a locked door that requires a key. Pull the switch on the wall to activate the lift, which also brings up a chef. Quickly hide in the box and wait for the chef to move to the left side of the room before you head back to the right and enter the lift.

When you reach the lower level quickly hide in the small opening on the wall to the right and wait for the chef to open the door on the left. Once the coast is clear, move into the room on the left and hide under the table on the right wall. The key you need is on the table in the middle of the room, but the chef is there, which makes it difficult to obtain.

Use the furniture in the background to sneak around behind the chef’s back and crawl into the hole on the left wall. In the next room press the button on the appliance in the background, then quickly move back through the hole as the chef comes running in. Grab the key on the door and head back to the lift. As soon as the lift stops, quickly unlock the door to the right and hide in the toppled over cart in the background.

Once the chef heads into the room on the right, climb on top of your hiding place and jump to the left to open the door to the chute. Climb back on top of your hiding place and jump into the chute to reach the level below. Move to the left side of the room and look in the foreground to find another statue you can break.

Climb the right wall close to the foreground and move into the small tunnel to the right. There are two places you can move into the room above. When you reach the first point, climb out of the tunnel and climb up the shelving in the background. When you reach the top, head to the far left and jump over to the wooden shelf positioned just below the hooks that are moving through the room. Jump and grab one of the hooks to move you into the room to the left and land on the shelf. Light the lantern here and you should earn the trophy, Light Up Your Life (if you’ve been following our walkthrough and lighting every lantern and candle along the way).

Jump back over to the room on the right and hop back into the tunnel running under the floor. Move to the next opening to the right and use the various cover locations in the room to avoid the chefs and move into the next room on the right. Climb on the table and pull the lever on the wall to change the directions the hooks are moving, then quickly hide until the table to avoid the chef that comes in to investigate the noise.

When it’s clear, head back into the room on the left and make your way back to the far left and up the shelving to reach the hooks again. Once you enter the next room to the right, beyond the room where you pulled the lever, drop down before you reach the chef in the background. All of the chefs are after you now so make haste as you run to the right and slide under the table. Continue to run to the right and use the box to reach the table and jump to a hook before the chef’s catch up to you. Take the hook to the far right to complete this area.

Find all of the Nomes and Statues in The Kitchen, continue on to The Guest Area or head back to our Little Nightmares game hub for more strategy and advice!

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About the author

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.