Croup Deadly Drums Rare

  вторник 21 апреля

Are Drums Bangin?

Croup Deadly Drums Rare Earth. Improve your sight-reading with the Notation Screen, and enjoy drumming with Game screen. Enhance the V-Drums. In addition to the classic croup cough, baby may have other symptoms similar to a cold or respiratory virus, like a fever or runny nose. Sometimes kids with croup have trouble breathing. If you can’t get baby to stop coughing, or if you spot signs that baby is in respiratory distress—such as blue- or grey-tinted lips or listlessness—head to the emergency room.

If you’ve been around sounds and sample libraries for a while you know that a lot of times things tend to be more the same than different.


If you’ve been around any hip hop or underground music forums then you’ve no doubt heard about Croup! Croup is a producer of that classic, “golden era” sound of course with his own style.

But we aint talkin bout croup the producer, we talking bout croup the sound designer!

Yes, I’m sure many of you have heard of the legendary “Deadly Drums” from Croup. Not to be confused, croup is the originator of deadly drums, there is ONLY ONE. He has been selling his drum kit via forums and myspace for quite a while.

Anytime they are mentioned, they are stated as being “must-haves” for any producer.

You know I had to find out for myself, because I too have ran into a post or two about croup and his drums.

And I must confess, I got my hands on a demo of his kit years ago and they remain in my toolbox…well, until he sent over the full collection for review. So let’s see whatsup with them. Deadly Drums

Dirty, hard, ruff, rugged, nasty, crunchy, BANGIN! Just a few words that come to mind when you crack open this treasure chest of head noddin potion.

I didn’t know what to expect when opening this package, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Not only were there drum sounds, but Croup included instrument snippits and riffs, bass, and even sfx to help you fill out your tracks.

Not only do you get the ingredients for the foundation of your track, but you can make a complete tracks with the sounds in this kit.

Most importantly, the drum are HARD. Nothing pisses me off more than to read the discription of a drum kit, claiming to be hard, bangin, or whatever…only to get a collection of impotent drum sounds. Check the video to see what I mean. Croup brings the ruckus on this one. Filthy Drums

A little while later, after everyone praised him for deadly drums, croup followed up with part 2.

Filthy drums picks up where deadly drums left off, croup decided to focus mainly on drums for this volume.

Realizing people usually have their own sounds and samples, but that being the fanatical beat fiends that we are, we are CONSTANTLY looking for fresh, bangin, drum sounds.

Some will remain purists, and chose to chop and mold their own drums…more power to ya! I do that too, but I don’t sleep on the fact that other people have records, gear, or even a different ear than I do.

All that comes in to play. And when you want a stash of high calibur sounds at your disposal, you MUST build up a solid drum library.

Filthy drums comes with that same deep, crunchy, dirty, sexy, head bangin feel you want from your drums. Not for the raido friendly bubble gum pop tunes (not that there’s anything wrong with those) These are those of you that like to walk on the dirtier side of the track. Peep the video.

So What’s The Verdict?

Basically, if you produce any type of rugged, drum heavy, boom bap, underground, dirt on ya fingers, gutter, non bubble gum music then this is the kit to have.

Forget the bull, forget the “purity” of diggin for drums, please add these to your collection. Yes, you can still eq and layer and all the good stuff….but…if you start wit trash…you can’t cover trash up.

Any true drum fanatic will fall in love immediately.

The sounds have punch, they are clear, not distorted, but definitely bangin!

I’ve tried many drum sounds, from commercial to free libraries, and I too chop up and create my own drums.

But I’ve got to say, the drums in this kit are amazing.

Now, I don’t think you’ll use every single sound…I only need a few dope kicks and snares to make a kit worth my while.

I think there is something here for everyone.

Croup told me he’s working on more kits, maybe even some more “commercial” sounding stuff.


We have plenty commercial bubble gum pop libraries for when we want to get our sexy on…please…please…please keep bringin us the funk.

How Many Subs Does Croup Get?

You know, if any kit was worth 5 subs this would be it. But I always have to push sound designers to grow…so I’ve got to go with a 4.5 out of 5 subs.

The drums knock, they can lay the proper foundation for any track…but I had to deduct a half point because he threw in some lil sexy claps.

Not that I don’t like sexy claps, but not in a collection called deadly drums or filthy drums. I don’t like to box people in, but Croup is known for those gutter, hardcore, dirty, nasty, dust in ya fingers from they backroom record collection type drums…and that’s where I want to see him live.

Many companies claim to have bangin sounds, they claim to have that punch, that meat, that dirt we need. In my years, I’ve found that few really deliver.

Croup does, plain and simple.

Go on over and checkout and listen to the samples.

Grab the kit.

Make Bangers.


13 Nov 2017, 07:39

There are literally thousands of diseases that affect humans, and most of us pick up some kind of ailment once or twice a year. Childhood diseases like measles, mumps and chicken pox are common, as is the odd cold or bout of flu.

These conditions are generally accepted as part of life as they are seldom deadly. However, other diseases like cancer, heart disease, TB and malaria are a different story and cause millions of deaths all over the world.

8 leading causes of death

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the eight leading causes of death globally in 2008 were:

1. Ischaemic heart disease

2. Cerebrovascular disease

3. Lower respiratory infections

4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

5. Diarrhoeal diseases

6. HIV/Aids

7. Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers

On top of the same feature with Sketchbook where you can record and export, this one has a bonus where it records ALL of your actions in a time-lapse. So it records your drawing history and it can play it back super fast plus the aforementioned record. Also procreate has a livestream integration. How to record yourself drawing on the computer. Overhead Video Recording: How to Shoot Top Down Video - A top down camera angle is great for getting your viewers immersed in what you're doing on a tabletop. Q: Can you draw a picture of my dog. Horse, cat, Mother (Etc) A: Unfortunately, I am unable to take personal requests. If you are interested in purchasing a commissioned drawing from me, send me a. Digital Whiteboard videos are where you record yourself 'drawing' on screen. To do this, you need a digital writing tablet, a drawing program, and a screen recording program.

8. Tuberculosis

The above diseases and conditions are potentially deadly, but with the possible exception of lower respiratory infections and diarrhoeal diseases, take their time.

Fast and furious

There are however diseases with a very rapid progression from the appearance of symptoms to death, and some have the potential to kill you within 24 hours. Here are seven examples.

1. Meningitis

Meningitis is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection and is an infection of the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. It is most common in babies, young children, teenagers and young adults. It can cause life-threatening blood poisoning (septicaemia), and according to First Aid for Life can kill within four hours.

2. Flesh eating bug

Also known as necrotising fasciitis, this bacterial skin infection quickly spreads through the body’s soft tissue. It is fatal in 30 to 40% of cases. Amputation of affected body parts is often necessary to stop the infection from spreading.

3. Stroke

A stroke is when blood flow to part of the brain is interrupted, resulting in oxygen deprivation to brain tissue. It usually happens because of a burst blood vessel or blockage by a clot. Depending on the severity of the stroke, recovery is possible, but a massive stroke can kill you within two hours.

4. Cholera

Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated. It is caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Cholera remains a global threat to public health and causes an estimate 21 000 to 143 000 deaths worldwide every year.

5. Pneumonic plague

All forms of the plague are caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and are transmitted from rats to humans by fleas. Pneumonic plague can kill quickly, within 18–24 hours of infection, if left untreated, but common antibiotics can cure it if they are given early on. Symptoms of pneumonic plague include respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing‚ often with blood-tainted sputum.

6. Ebola

Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a disease that causes bleeding from internal organs and body orifices in most cases. Ebola outbreaks have occurred in a number of African countries. Reported fatality rates for Ebola range from 50-90%. Victims can die within hours of their symptoms appearing.

7. Dengue haemorrhagic fever

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection, which causes a relatively harmless flu-like illness. It can however develop into a potentially lethal form. This haemorrhagic version can destroy blood platelets, and without platelets to coagulate the blood, internal bleeding causes the body to go into shock, leading to death within hours.

Image credit: iStock

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